Top Tips to enhance your communication skills
11 compelling reasons why you would read to children every day
11 compelling reasons why you would read to children every day
11 compelling reasons why you would read to children every day
During the launch of Stress to Success in 28 Days, Hansa Pankhania took part in a Q and Q session with AUM wellbeing consultant Kristina Rosenqvist, here is a transcript of that session:
Prior to the publishing of my new book Stress to Success in 28 Days, I asked a few of my contacts to trial the techniques I present in the book. Here is the story of one of them.
The following is a transcript of the Q and A session with Hansa Pankhania during the launch of her two children’s books- CHAKRAJI AND RELAXED RAVINA and CHAKRAJI AND PEACEFUL PETER.
The age at which children are presented with mental health Issues is getting younger and younger.
Chakraji and Calm Callum is Hansa Pankhania’s first ever children’s book. It was released last month, and Hansa recently spoke to fellow author and life coach Maria Illiffe-Wood about writing the book and her inspiration for being an author.
Chakraji and Calm Callum – An interview with Hansa Pankhania Hansa Pankhania’s first ever children’s book has just been released. In this blog, she answers …
Chakraji and Calm Callum – An interview with Hansa Pankhania Read More »
How we can all reconcile from our hidden colonial history It has been a completely unique and world-changing year so far. In this blog post, …
Black Lives Matter – Forgiveness, freedom and a fresh start Read More »
The tears roll down my cheeks, prickling my face with their heat and moisture, just like the waterfalls in Thika Kenya, where I grew up. They whoosh down with an ebb that can I cannot halt. I try and make sense of this surge for a few days until I realise, I have lost a whole generation. My father’s generation is no more- all gone, gone gone….