Stress to Success in 28 days – A True Story
Prior to the publishing of my new book Stress to Success in 28 Days, I asked a few of my contacts to trial the techniques I present in the book. Here is the story of one of them. (The name has been changed to protect confidentiality).
My name is Vick: This is me 2 months ago.
I realise I am not motivated in my life like I was a few years ago. I left my previous job because of the excessive unrealistic pressures on me. I am in another job now but I do not feel I have recovered from the stress of my previous one. The Covid pandemic has also contributed to my low mood and lack of motivation. For me, it was work issues, but for many of you, it could be a range of factors, such as care of family, bereavement, relationships etc, that may have offset the balance in your life.

I should feel on top of the world. I have a good job, I have a wonderful partner and I am financially secure. However, I am not fully engaging and enjoying life. I start going to the gym, but do not keep this up. After work I watch hours of TV, often indulging in alcohol or junk food. I know I should look after myself better, but I cannot be motivated to do so.
This is when Hansa asked me to give the programme in her book a try. I was skeptical at first. I have read many self-help books and know what I need to do. Hansa said that this book will help me to make the change from the ‘knowing to the doing’, which is what I have not managed to do.
I read the introduction and the first chapter on making a start. The text spoke to me and resonated with how I felt. I asked my partner to encourage me to start with the 2-10 minutes techniques, one each day. Hansa presents the tips and tools under 4 categories: Breathing, The Body, The Mind, and Relationships.
In the first week, I did some breathing techniques. I loved the three part breathing and crocodile breathing. I felt a surge in energy after each practice. The best thing was that I could do the 3 part breathing at work, in a parked car, even in the supermarket queue! I did it just before a difficult meeting at work and it helped to keep me calm and put my point across clearly. By the end of the first week, something had changed within me. I was feeling back in the real world.
As I said before, I know I need exercise, but cannot keep up with going to the gym. In the second week, the book helped me to integrate little bits of exercise into my everyday routine. My partner reminds me to walk on the spot while watching television. I keep a skipping rope by the couch and use this during commercial breaks. For work, I have made a note on my screen saver to get up from my desk regularly and take a walk down the corridor, or to the car at lunchtime. Mid-afternoon is when my energy starts to wane away. Instead of drinking more coffee to keep me awake I do the breathing techniques and go for a short walk to speak to a colleague or take the long route to the washrooms. These short activities keep me more focused throughout the day.
The chapter on the mind is my favourite. When I was reading the introduction to the techniques, it was like hearing myself speak. I go off on this negative thinking spiral and cannot stop ruminating on the worse scenario. The tips to break this cycle are simple and worked wonders for me. Now I am aware of when I am slipping into this negative spiral and can stop it instantly.
The chapter on relationships made me reflect on how I had not handled the relationship with my colleagues in my previous job appropriately. I feel sad I had to leave a job I loved because of the lack of these skills. I have a great relationship with my partner but a difficult one with my mother. Every time she annoys me, I use the tips in the book and that helps me get through my time with her. I do not dread it, when she says she is coming over like I did before.
This is me at present
I am surprised as to how simple some of these tips are in comparison to the profound difference they have made to my life.

I am going through the book again, so this way of living is firmly engrained in my routine. I am enjoying work and home life. I know how to overcome the hurdles that are part of life.
Thank you Hansa for writing this book and encouraging me to use it. I am telling others about the book, because I have got my mojo back in just a few weeks and I know how to hold onto it.
About Hansa Pankhania
Hansa Pankhania is a published author of 10 Wellbeing books for adults and children available on Amazon or through her website. In her books, she is passionate about sharing natural wellbeing techniques that do not cost anything but nourish your body, mind, and soul in powerful ways.
She and her team offer coaching and training on well-being, stress prevention, resilience building and related topics to individuals and managers. She has a national and international team of affiliates who are committed to promoting individual wellbeing as well as developing mindful, compassionate, thriving workplace cultures.
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